Have you seen these?
These were actually done - no computer generated images
Check out sony bravia ads the making of on you tube to see how they were done!
Now, to coax a smile like this from Ava - all you need is a 10 cent glow in the dark bracelet. Sophie will beam at you this way if you let her pet your puppy. But Sam is a tougher customer. He's a happy kid but he's seen alot in his pre-teen years and he is harder to impress. The smile of pure joy in this photo is somewhat a rare gem. Sam is smiling because he designed his car all by himself and this year cut it out on the scroll saw by himself. He sanded and painted it on his own. Then (5 min before race time) his dad helped him put on the wheels and axels. But the derby gods were smiling on Sam that night and his car didn't lose. He won the pinewood derby. (what?!) I don't care much about the winning. ( I was actually kind of worried about the other finalist and wanted to make sure he was happy, which he was) But for 45 minutes I soaked in the pure unbridled joy of a 10 year old - which I wouldn't call extremely rare but felt like finding the mother lode nonetheless.
and they love for me to push them on the swing.
Which I think is less fun than reading stories on the trampoline
But alot more fun than playing polly pockets.
If you have never played polly pockets - let me warn you that it is a soul destroying hour of your life that you will never get back.
Whenever Ava wants to play polly pockets, one of her friends magically comes over to play--
Either that or I will say
Let's Swing!!