People have all kinds of crazy things that they adore from soda pop to brands of shoes. So it is with no shame at all, that I confess here that I am absolutely crazy about tableware. Yes, it's true- I love plates. So what? I also love bowls and glasses but tea cups and soup tureens make me swoon. Not just any old plates mind you - there are rules to the attraction and they are these: tableware must be simple, classic and CREAM. Sure, the dishes from my wedding were cream with bands of color around the edges but I was young, so young and now I know -- cream, only cream. These are the beauties that we eat off of almost every day. (the other days we are eating off of chinet!)

We even have the coffee pot-- but at our house it is the hot chocolate pot.

Hello Lovely! Isn't she beautiful!! I know it's crazy, I know it's weird, but what can you do? People are weird.