Monday, March 30, 2009

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Wisdom from the pantry door.

the power of nintendo

The worst of times - the best of times.

Lately, one of my favorite things to do is cook a nice dinner for my family. This is not because I am a great cook - I am definately not. But, I love having my whole family around the table talking and laughing. I love the placemats and the plates and if my kids like my food - I really love that. My kids are even starting to provide interesting dinner conversation which I like. This requires more effort than you would think however - and last night it just wasn't happening. I could not- for the life of me- summon the courage to make something for dinner. I didn't want to go out - I just didn't want to have to decide what to make while we were staying in. It was looking like it would be a very bleak dinner hour.

But then I had an idea. I made a menu for each of the kids. The cover said "Hosac House Restaurant". Inside there was a list of appetizers: apples, grapes, oranges. A list of main courses: french toast, pb&j, grilled cheese, cold cereal. A list of side dishes: fried egg, string cheese, corn, yogurt, applesauce. And a list of drinks: grape juice, orange juice, water, chocolate milk. I know gross right. Wrong! The kids loved it -- it was a huge hit. The kids picked what they wanted to eat and my husband and I cooked it while the kids snacked on their appetizers and drinks. Ava said it was the funnest night ever. The bleak dinner hour was transformed. Yes -we were at the counter and yes- we ate on paper plates but there was talking and laughing and good conversation. And I love that.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009