Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Hey kids!

Guess what? Santa has a blog! If you want to check out his posts and profile click here.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Say it ain't so

Are these the last smores of the season??
Say it ain't so!!

What it looks like to turn 7!

Happy Birthday Josh -- The first time I saw you I knew that we were going to be great friends.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I would try to grab this if there was a fire.

I believe my Aunt Donna made this for my mom. It was in our house while I was growing up. When my Ava was born I hinted that I really (I mean really) wanted it. My mom reframed it and gave it to me for christmas. This is one of my favorite quotes. If the house is spotless it is a good reminder to keep priorities in order. If the house is a little messy - I grab my baby and rock her for a minute before I start to clean up.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

the good that comes with the bad and the ugly truth (part one)

So, you take the good with the bad. Examples abound - today is part one. Infant massage. Infant massage is a practice that I think is cool but let's face it, the first year with a new baby is about survival. Basic neccessities of life are provided for and if there is any emotional energy left I take a few pictures. If anyone is getting a massage - it should be the mom, right? Of course right. Unless, of course, you go to the six-week doctors appointment with your first born son and they tell you he has torticolis. Torticolis. They should not tell first time moms that their kid has anything with a "colis" in it because they will freak out and say something uncharacteristically rude to the physical therapist like -"My son has torticolis and you want me to give him a massage?" But that is what I said and that is what she wanted me to do. Once a day. So, in true first- time -mom fashion I gave my new baby an infant massage, twice a day. Almond oil (in case he put his hands in his mouth), by the fire (so he wouldn't get too cold), Christmas carols (it was December). Then my second son came along and infant massage was the furthest thing from my mind. Diapers, nursing, dinner, preschool. Until, at the six-week doctors appointment, the doctor proclaimed those little dry patches to be eczema and prescribed an $80 a bottle steroid cream. $80. Steroids. Since I was a second time mom, I calmly thanked the doctor and then went to the grocery store and bought... almond oil. I wonder-- I thought. Fire place, primary songs, blue blanket. No more dry patches. When my daughter came along it was officially part of the "after bath" routine. Sunny window, pink blanket, primary songs. Now I am doing it again. Baby oil has replaced almond oil (she'll be fine), her bath towel has replaced any special blanket (I'm in a hurry) but I still sing and we still spend ten minutes together with the power of touch. I have years of memories that I cherish thanks to torticolis. I sort of love torticolis. I'll never forget the first time that I heard my very own baby laugh. I was massaging his neck. Like the idea? Click here for info and here for a how to chart.

Monday, November 10, 2008

The sweetness

If there is something sweeter, I haven't found it yet.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Happy 35th Birthday to My Nate!!

Here on my blog I would like to give you one balloon for each time that you have made me laugh until my stomach hurt.
And also this ... just fyi.
The most famous cluster balloon flight took place in 1982. Larry Walters, with no prior ballooning experience, attached 42 helium weather balloons to a lawnchair, intending to go up a few hundred feet, but instead soaring to 16,000. Surprisingly, Walters survived his flight. However, both before and since Walters' adventure, experienced balloonists have experimented with helium balloon clusters, some rising to even greater heights.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The mother bird who has decided to reside in my front yard (despite the cold) did two things today. She worked on this -
And she reminded me that cleaning the house isn't really just cleaning the house (thank heavens - who wants to do that a million times a day for a million days in a row). Cleaning the house is really a part of building a nest for the little chicks that I love best. I hope that I am lucky enough to do that forever.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Genius! (or gross - I can't decide)

Am I the only one who hasn't heard about this? Did you know that there is such a thing as a recipe for edible playdough? Did you know that it is made out of peanut butter? Are you brave enough to try it?? If so click here. Did you click?

Do you think martha stewart will eat the playdough?

Monday, November 3, 2008

Good things about today

1. A good workout

2. Letting the scouts beat me at checkers because those cute little 8 year olds are just dying to win.

3. Watching this

in my big bed with ava instead of doing the dishes.

4. Finding this

in the boys' bookshelf. This is Hip, Hip, Hooray for Annie McRae by Brad Wilcox. The boys used to love this one and I just found it and read it to the girls for the first time. They love it too which gives me cool nostalgic feelings. If you are looking for new kids books -- you should check this one out. It is hard to decide what makes this book so charming. Call it a three way tie between the spunky pictures, perfect rhymes and cool message.

5. Finishing up the dishes and watching a movie in my big bed with nate.