Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Another reason you should move to Boise and be my neighbor...

...this ranch is 2 1/2 minutes from my front door.

Won't you please, please won't you be, Please won't you be ... my neighbor?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Another wonderful thing about Boise ...

...is the trees. Do you know how Boise got it's name? Well, the story goes that some of the first explorers to this part of the Oregon trail were french and when they finally made it to the point overlooking the Valley (and the large river) they shouted "Les Bois, Les Bois" meaning "The trees, the trees". And I must tell you that I had a similar reaction the first time I saw downtown Boise. The trees are impressive-- thanks to the large river which came to be known as "La rivière boisée", "The wooded river". The name shrunk - as things will over time and now it is just Boise. But it gets even better than that. The people of Boise wanted to preserve the beautiful trees so they created several very large parks strung throughout downtown Boise like pearls on a river string. And the cherry on top is that each of these parks is named after a woman in the community (or in the case of Anne Frank memorial, an honorable woman in history). Thus we have Julia Davis Park:

Ann Morrison Park:

Kathryn Albertson Park:

Alta Harris park:

Anne Frank Memorial:

Anne Frank Memorial has these cool stone walls with quotes about peace and human rights carved into them. If you are ever visiting Anne Frank Memorial Park look next to the quote by Mahatma Ghandi for a lovely quote from Gordon B. Hinckley.

These are just a few of the beautiful Boise parks but they are my favorites.

By the way - I took absolutely none of these photos - rather, I spent 2 seconds looking them up on google images. BUT... if you will show me pictures of what fall looks like where you are, I will show you mine.
Don't you just love trees?

Monday, October 12, 2009

Remember the first ...

... morning in the fall that you turn on the heater?

And the house smells like it might burn down ... but it never does.

And you can sit on the heater with your blanket and keep your toes warm.

And it is Fall! Hooray!!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

flag football

Our nice friends the Wissenbachs recorded this video of Josh scoring a couple touchdowns. I thought that my family in Utah would like to see it because I know that they would be here cheering at the games if they could. When the coach asked Josh how he could run so fast, he told him it was because he ate salmon. (We told him salmon was good for his heart and would help him run fast.) At the first game of the season all the kids wanted to know if Josh had had salmon for dinner. ;)

To watch the video, please click here.

Monday, September 21, 2009

So, so good

Oh, how I love these kids books.

Oh, how my kids love these kids books.

Josh requests one every night.

They are travel books for kids.

The book tells you all about the place and what you shouldn't miss when you visit.

One of our favorite facts about New York is that it has the world's biggest store (Macy's) and the smallest (hot dog stand).

I can highly recommend all of the above titles and all the rest are the one's that we are saving our pennies for.

They are so, so good! Happy reading!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

hello again

The first post after you have been away for a long time (like a whole summer) should be significant. Fortunately I have some very big news to share. At least it is a big deal around here. I would now like to unveil Ava Hosac's new haircut.

I know. I know. Try to contain yourself.

You didn't realize the news was going to be this big did you?

Here is a before pic - taken at Ava's 5th birthday party (which I did not blog about)

And here is an after pic -- taken after her haircut (which I did blog about)

Go figure!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

ihome remote

Today Sophie got a VERY late nap. Which means that she woke up VERY grumpy. The kind of 18 month old grumpy that takes at least an hour to get over. So I did the only thing that there was to do and hoisted her onto my hip for the long wait for her to snap out of it. We were about 15 minutes in (45 minutes of recovery time to go) when she grabbed the ihome remote control. (Sophie thinks that the ihome remote control is her cell phone.) She held it up to her ear and said in her very most pleasant voice "Hello! How are you?" I looked down at her. She was in full scowl mode. Unquestionably grumpy. And I thought hmmm... good. Apparantly Sophie has learned at 18 months what it takes many people 20 to 30 years to learn. And that is-- it doesn't matter how grumpy you feel or what kind of day you've had -- when you come in contact with someone else don't spread the misery, spread the pleasant. After all- they are having a day too, and who's to say that it isn't a harder one than yours. And if you cheer them up, you'll probably end up being cheered up yourself. I'm not advocating being fake. I'm just saying that if you have to choose between grumpy and pleasant ... Sophie and I think that pleasant is the way to go.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Boys and Girls


Tuesday, July 21, 2009


What it means to have a son that turned 10 on Saturday:

1: It means that you are older than 30!!

2: It means that in less time than your son has been alive - he will be leaving for college.

3: It means that jr. high school is just around the corner.

4: and so is high school.

5: It means that your son still tells you about the girl that he likes but now he blushes when he says her name.

6: It means that instead of Thomas the tank engine, your son got a bow & arrow and a video game for his birthday.

7: It means that instead of a spiderman theme party your son watched an outdoor movie with his friends.

8: And instead of watching Thomas the tank engine they watched Inkheart.

9: It means that your son is growing up.

10: And it means that you are a lucky, lucky mom to have had so many wonderful fun filled years with such a good kid!!!

Happy Birthday Sam!!! Now this is your last one -- right? Promise??

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A record

I wanted to post this so that I don't forget. We went to the Berry Ranch today and did "pick your own" and the air smelled like strawberries.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A day in may

My cute friend Wendy took these cute pictures. The cow in the picture with the wagon is real. I know this because his friend-- a Big Brown Bull charged at us while we were taking these. Scary.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


This is a public service announcement to let you all know that my husband makes the most amazing pancakes you've ever smelled. So, if you find yourself in need of pancakes feel free to drop by.

Happy Summer!!!

Only- we all know that it was just two days before yesterday that we were saying hello to fall -so can it really be summer?? Oh yes it can! I know it is because this happened...

And this....

And that makes it official. It's summer. Well- Welcome, Welcome. Stay awhile why don't ya!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Monday!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Pretty Shoes

There are lots of things to love about an 18 month old. Talking and walking and new levels of comprehension. But the most fun of all is the emergence of the personality! Sophie has it in spades. She is already her own girl and she knows what she likes. What does she like? you ask. Well the answer is simple and (if you are a girly girl) easy to understand. Sophie likes shoes. She loves all types of shoes and can be found wearing the shoes of every single member of the family but she does show a preferance for the heels. I have to say that I am impressed that someone who is experiencing only her second summer EVER has already mastered walking long distances in princess platforms. She was also quick to master the "sh" consonant blend- making "shoes" one of the first five words to escape from those adorable lips. Now at 18 months her first two word sentence- "pretty shoes".

Monday, April 20, 2009

Words at play

Here is a fun little website for you. It's called Words at Play -I like the intro and it just takes a sec. The portraits are also kind of cool. Check it out.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Actual Conversation (more or less)

Nate: Kids, get in the car. We're going to be late for church.

Heather: Wait, No! I have to get a picture.

Nate: OK - but only one, we're going to be late.

Nate: Ok kids, get in the car, we're going to be late for church.

Heather: Wait, No! I can't see Sophie in the picture.

Heather: O.K. kids, get in the car, we're going to be late for church.


(He was already in the car)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My friend posted these questions on facebook - I'm posting the answers here. The questions have been answered by:

1: Ava (4 yrs old)

2: Josh (7 yrs old)

3. Sam (9 yrs old)

1) What is something your mom always says to you?
I love you Ava.
Hi Josh.
Hi Sam.

2)What makes mom happy?
saying nice words
me giving her a hug

3)what makes mom sad?
punching and kicking
me disobeying
I don't know

4)How does your mom make you laugh?
singing silly songs
tickling my armpit

5)What was your mom like as a child?
she was a sister
no idea
she played soccer and wanted to be a mom

6)How old is your mom?

7)How tall is your mom?
kind of tall
5' 8"

8)What does your mom do when you are not around?
waits for me
cleans up
takes care of sophie

9)If your mom became famous, what would it be for?
sewing (?!?!)

10)What is your mom really good at?
cooking food

11)What is your mom not very good at?
making movies

12)What does your mom do for her job?
you don't really have a job
take care of sophie

13)What is your mom's favorite food?
ice cream

14)What makes you proud of your mom?
hugs and kisses
when you make a restaurant in the kitchen
when you make those really good cookies just so we can put some in our lunch bag.

15)What do you and your mom do together?
play games
go to barnes and noble

16)How are you and your mom the same?
we both have long hair
we both like the boston celtics
we both like to read

17)How are you and your mom different?
we talk different
she isn't on a basketball team
I go to school

18)How do you know your mom loves you?
she gives me hugs and kisses and says I love you
she hugs me all the time
she makes cookies to put in our lunches

19)Where is your moms favorite place to go?
rafiki (the kids play place)
Eagle Hills Elementary
whitewater (sams favorite restaurant!!)

Monday, March 30, 2009