Monday, January 12, 2009

Ode to the Roomba (a love poem)

I'm sorry I doubted your abilities
but truly it didn't make sense
how could something so obviously round
clean corners without leaving a mess?
I didn't know about your magic brush
or your power to super suck
or your space age sensors that tell you where to go
or your 4-wheel drive that can get you unstuck.
And now, despite my lack of faith
you work hard for me every day
sweeping my floors (carpet and wood)
while I fold laundry and put it away.
How do I thank something that cleans my floors?
a job that I really detest.
Should I kiss you? or hug you? send flowers or treats?
Maybe a simple poem would be the best.
Dear roomba you've given me the thing I need most
more than diamonds or rubies or pearls
you've given me a few extra minutes each day
and for that, I forgive you for terrifying my girls.


The Cakes said...

Too funny - I know Nate will eventually get the lawn mower version of roomba!

Book Look Column Author said...

I have been wondering if it worked. I think your Ode is a love poem...Also about "Cruel Intent". Read the first ones in the series because there are too many back references even though it is supposed to be a stand alone. She is a moderately clean writer. Now rent the old movie of Orient Express-it is wonderful.