Monday, October 25, 2010

Thanks mom!

My mom gave me the best welcome home present ever. She did all my laundry while I was away. Every last sock. And put it all in drawers too. With four kids this is no small feat. And was especially wonderful considering that after she left I brought home 3 suitcases full of dirty clothes. But never fear - I have a plan. Have you ever noticed the magical power of making your bed? Everyone knows that when you make your bed the rest of your house magically becomes cleaner. I am not kidding about this. Martha Stewart calls it "tidy begets tidy" but I am confidant that their is something more mystical going on than just that. So today I made my bed - dumped out the three suitcases - and dug in.

1 comment:

Book Look Column Author said...

It's true about the made bed because it is the largest raised surface in the room. I am expecting some cruise pics here soon...