Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I have a confession. In college I occassionally used my food money to buy children's books from the bookstore. I have a little bit of an obsession with them. We just got this one and I lava, lava, lava it. The story is the dutch lullaby that you already know-- but the pictures are really quite stunning.

Monday, September 29, 2008

sparkley pumpkins

This is what Ava and I did this morning. I will show you a picture of ours as soon as my little camera makes it home from work with my hubby. I think you'll like ours better!!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Happy fall!!

What happened last night?? I woke up this morning and it's fall. Seriously, whole trees changed color over night - the green streets are yellow. And a heartbreakingly gorgeous yellow too. What is it about fall? It is so beautiful outside right now, I can hardly stand it.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

I love my job

On thursdays it is just the three of us girls at home. We love it. Today I took my ladies to lunch. We bought salads and ate them outside by the fountain. Ava did ballet on the benches and sophie giggled. We ate mini cupcakes from Lily Janes. Then we came home and Ava said she wasn't sure if blue and pink really made purple --so we tried it with sparkly paint. Guess what?? it really does! We were amazed. Then we made blueberry muffins for the boys' afterschool snack because even though we love it when it's "Just the girls - no boys" (Ava's nose wrinkled up) --we still can never wait until they get home.


So, my sweet Sam broke his wrist in two places (and is sporting an awesome neon green cast). But I have been thinking a lot about broken things. Broken bones and broken hearts. We have some cool farmers in our ward (if you don't know what a ward is, please click here ) On sunday one of the farmers said "If the clouds don't break, the water won't fall to the ground. If the ground isn't broken up, the water won't penetrate the Earth. If the seed doesn't break the plant won't sprout." It seems like it takes a lot of broken things for something to grow. But my question is this -- can you just rototill your heart so that it stays nice and soft and lets the spirit in without needing breakage from outside sources? E Possibile o no? Let me know what you think?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

minty fresh air

to conclude this tour of Eagle Idaho please look to your left where you will see the boise river which runs through Eagle.

The jury is still out and I don't want to rush into anything ... but with minty fresh air and leaves like these ... a girl could fall in love with a place like this.

I'll get the blue moose

So I have already found a few pleasant suprises in this new hometown of mine including this new lunch place called Rembrandts
and this other new favorite lunch place called The Blue Moose cafe.
I had a few really good summer days that went like this. "I'll get the blue moose salads, you pick up McDonalds for the kids and we'll meet at the park."

Wish you were here

This blog is my way of trying to keep in touch with my family and friends in Utah (whom I miss alot-yes this includes you) -- so I wanted to show you my new hometown. So here she is... this is Eagle Idaho

We have alot of statues of Eagles here ... like this one

We have alot of farms here (idaho- after all) one of them is a mint farm and in the fall (or at harvest as we idahoans like to say) you can drive by the farm and the air smells like mint. Cool huh!

Do you wish you were here?? I do!!!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

a blog is born

On the birthday of my blog I wanted to give you a present. A little something to let you know how glad I am that you stopped by. To me a good quote is like a gift (you get to learn the lesson without making the mistake)- so here is your gift for today.

"If one advances confidently in the direction of their dreams and endeavors to lead a life which they have imagined, they will meet with a success unexpected in common hours."

--Henry David Thoreau

also this!

Have a good day,