Thursday, September 25, 2008


So, my sweet Sam broke his wrist in two places (and is sporting an awesome neon green cast). But I have been thinking a lot about broken things. Broken bones and broken hearts. We have some cool farmers in our ward (if you don't know what a ward is, please click here ) On sunday one of the farmers said "If the clouds don't break, the water won't fall to the ground. If the ground isn't broken up, the water won't penetrate the Earth. If the seed doesn't break the plant won't sprout." It seems like it takes a lot of broken things for something to grow. But my question is this -- can you just rototill your heart so that it stays nice and soft and lets the spirit in without needing breakage from outside sources? E Possibile o no? Let me know what you think?

1 comment:

The Cakes said...

How did Sam break his wrist? When will he get his cast off? It's about time he caught up with all of Josh's trips to the ER. Boys will be boys!