Friday, October 31, 2008

Why wouldn't you want to brush your teeth?

Let's not talk about it. Let's just say that on my personal list of holidays to love Halloween comes in after Lincoln's birthday. Let's also just say that despite a truly obscene amount of dress up choices (and some truly shameless bribery) this is what my daughter wore trick or treating.

That's right folks, her regular everyday clothes. I won't lie to you people --I considered holding her down and force dressing her in the chinese princess dress that grandma brought back from china. Happily I had a moment of temporary sanity and realized that there is no joy in being that kind of a witch. But seriously, if you dress up in your toy room about twice a week --why wouldn't you dress up on a national holiday dedicated to the past time?? This brings me to brushing teeth. I try to have respect for the fact that my children are separate people from me. I don't force them to do much. But come on. You have got to brush your teeth. I don't understand the pushback about teeth brushing. It's not hard labor. It keeps your mouth from feeling grungy. Why wouldn't you want to brush your teeth?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Apple Pictures (finally)

I'm not sure if it was the schedule full of football practices and cub scouts or if it was the freak cold snap that we had in late September. But one way or the other it became painfully clear that neither childhood nor fall would last forever. So I did what had to be done. I kept my kids home from school (they didn't have a tummy ache - not even a fake one) I kept them home to pick apples. Here is how it went. I decided on my plan the night before so I turned off the boys' alarm clock. When they finally woke up, they came into my bedroom... "What's going on? Dad said you have a surprise." "Go back to bed. We're sleeping in and having pancakes." They slept in (in MY bed - not part of the plan) Then we had a leisurly morning making pumpkin pancakes, sausage and eggs over medium. We had Orange Juice. Sadly with early morning Saturday football games and early morning church and early morning school -- a leisurly pancake breakfast had not been seen in this house in too long. Then we went to the home of a lovely widow in our ward who happens to have the most beautiful apple orchard you have ever seen. And we picked apples. And it was a perfect day. And I'm glad they missed that one day of school. And here are the pictures. Let me apologize in advance for the plethora of pictures but we had so much fun that it was hard to edit -- so I didn't.

The beginning of the day

The middle of the day

Where's Sophie? I'm holding her, of course!

The end of the day.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

It must've been the tie

Do you ever look at your husband and get whisked away again? That happened to me today. My husband came home from church in his suit and red tie. And I looked at him and he was so cute. And I got all wobbly inside and I'm pretty sure I giggled. Funny that someone I have looked at every day for thirteen years can still make me feel that tingly nervous feeling.

Hello again

So, I still have some lovely apple picking pictures to post but they are on a memory card that looks like this ...
and my computer will only accept memory cards that look like this ...

So that's a problem.

But - no worries, I shall figure out a solution and until then if you are in the mood for some spiritual enlightenment try this.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Hurry hurry pack

Heading out of town. Be back in a week. Can't wait to show you my apple picking pics. Can't wait to come home and have an hours worth of blogs to read (fun, fun) see you soon.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Happy, Happy

There is nothing in the world more fun to share than good news... And our family has great news to share. We get to have a new person in our family!! Our wonderful, wonderful uncle dave (my little bro) and his sweetheart are engaged to be married. Congratulations Dave and welcome to the family Anne. This has been such a good day ... stay tuned for more info!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Are you wondering what I am making for dessert tonight?? I knew you were!! Well, here it is -- Italian Ice cream sodas.

So can I expect you at 8:00?? No? OK then you can make them yourselves. Just one scoop of vanilla ice cream and flavored italian sodas from target. (or you could try hansens all natural blood orange soda, that would be good I bet.)

Have a good day


Monday, October 13, 2008

wisdom from the pantry door

I found this quote on another blog but I like it so much that I am going to post it here (and on my fridge!)

"There is in every true woman's heart, a spark of heavenly fire, which lies dormant in the broad daylight of prosperity, but which kindles up and beams and blazes in the dark hour of adversity"
- Washington Irving

Also, this is what my pantry door says today:

have a great day!!


Friday, October 10, 2008

My Sam

My Sam has super brain powers, a green cast and new braces. He reads books with amazing swiftness and He has a contagious laugh. He and his next door neighbor friend keep in contact through walkie-talkies. This is My Sam.

what happens when you have one baby gate but two staircases

"I know I'm not supposed to be on the stairs ... but I'm pretty sure I can out run them."

Thursday, October 9, 2008


The other day I saw a bumper sticker that said "I'm proud of my young marine". Why do you have to say that the marine is a young marine? I thought. But then I realized that a young marine and an old marine are two very different things. For instance, the old marine might have enlisted in a time when enlisting was a popular thing to do, maybe he was drafted, maybe it was peace time. Maybe not. But a young marine - well that's another story. He surely enlisted in a time of conflict and definately when it was not the most popular thing to do. In that same way I am proud that I am 32 and I have 4 kids. I'm happy that women can make all kinds of choices. I'm the kind of girl that likes ALL the chocolates in the chocolate box, so I'm happy that there are all kinds of ways to be a woman today. Still, I'm happy with my choice. I'm proud to be a young mom.

I love boys!

Our pantry door is also a chalkboard. Usually our pantry door says something wise because my husband puts up a "quote of the day". But yesterday it said something sweet!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Good Morning

One of the really great things about my life right now is that my Sophie wakes up every morning around 9:00 (bless you child, bless you) and doesn't really cry -- she just calls out to me. When I go to get her she is always standing up in her crib --when I open the door she gets this HUGE smile on her face and starts bouncing up and down and giggling and gasping. Like she is so excited to see me she can't stand it. Like I'm some kind of rockstar. Then we usually spend five minutes or so snuggling, cuddling, tickling and then she is done with me and wants to crawl and play and find her sister. But it is a really good way to start the day.

fall treat

We just spent a long weekend here:

And we had all the stuff to make smores... because that is what you do at the lake when it is fall. But alas we had this all weekend.

So, we made these instead.

Have you tried indoor smores yet? I have made them a few times and they always seem to be a hit. Here is the recipe for your next fall treat.

6 -7 cups golden grahams

5 cups mini marshmallows

1 1/2 cups milk chocolate chips

1/4 cup light corn syrup

1 cube butter

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 cup mini marshmallows

In a saucepan heat marshmallows, chocolate chips, corn syrup and butter over medium heat until melted. Remove from heat and add vanilla. Pour over cereal and toss to coat. Stir in one cup of mini marshmallows. Press mixture evenly in a 9x13 pan coated with pam. (I like to spray a gallon ziplock bag with pam and then put it on my hand like a glove. Also works with rice krispy treats) Let stand at least one hour and then cut into squares.

Have a good day!


Sunday, October 5, 2008

Mom, can we sit on the white swing and have a chat?

Sure Ava , Let's chat.

Sparkley snow

Here are our sparkley pumpkins as promised -- a little too sparkley you say?? We beg to differ. In our eyes a pumpkin can never sparkle too much. Aunt Debbie -- These are so easy. Just brush glue onto the pumpkins with a paintbrush, then sprinkle glitter on top. Then pick up piles of glitter with your hands and make it sparkley snow all over the pumpkins (optional).

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Bath time for Sophie

Loved this!

I love this!!!

Have a good day,

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My Josh

My Josh: loves to smile, rides his scooter daily, plays a mean air guitar.
Recently lost his front tooth. The tooth fairy forgot to come. She must have a lot on her plate right now?!?!

Library! (please pronounce with gusto)

I was recently reminded of one of the great Boise landmarks that truly should be included in any respectable tour of the greater boise area ...the Boise Library!

Every city has a library you say? Oh my friends this is not just a library- it is a library! And that exclamation point makes a big difference.

For example in Toledo: "Kids, it's time to go to the library."

In Boise: "Kids, it's time to go to the library! (please pronounce a little higher and louder than usual and with a sense of urgency)

In Dallas: "Kids we need to take our books back to the library."

In Boise: "Kids we need to take our books back to the library! (please pronounce as if you have just won the lottery)

I love that exclamation point. It says alot about a place.