Sunday, December 28, 2008

It's for the birds

A long, long, time ago we started the tradition of doing a service project, as a family, at Christmas time. Back in the olden days they were big projects. By way of example, one year we framed 40 posters and prints and put together an "art cart" for our local children's hospital. And then there was last year in which we did zip, zero, nada, goose eggs. Which is the way things were heading this year. Until, at the last minute, I remembered that something is better than nothing. (duh! Why do I always forget that?) And so, despite the fact that there are several widows living in our ward and several more families that are out of work right now, we served the birds. Yes, you heard me correctly, we offered service to our fine feathered friends. Laugh, if you must, but believe me when I tell you that this is all we were capable of this year! There seem to be alot of birds around here even though it is very snowy and cold, so we strung together cranberries and hung them on a tree in our yard. Then we took pine cones and covered them in peanut butter and rolled them in bird seed and hung those on the tree too. The big projects are fun and helping someone truly in need is noble, but I wanted my kids to know that the point is to do something. So even though our sevice project was "for the birds", hopefully, hopefully my kids are learning to think of others outside of themselves and to know that they are able to help. And hopefully, hopefully, one day I will learn that better than doing nothing is doing what you can.

1 comment:

Book Look Column Author said...

You got it! With 4 little children this is your "season" to do the small service projects with them. I love your tradition of doing something for others outside the family.