Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Apple Pictures (finally)

I'm not sure if it was the schedule full of football practices and cub scouts or if it was the freak cold snap that we had in late September. But one way or the other it became painfully clear that neither childhood nor fall would last forever. So I did what had to be done. I kept my kids home from school (they didn't have a tummy ache - not even a fake one) I kept them home to pick apples. Here is how it went. I decided on my plan the night before so I turned off the boys' alarm clock. When they finally woke up, they came into my bedroom... "What's going on? Dad said you have a surprise." "Go back to bed. We're sleeping in and having pancakes." They slept in (in MY bed - not part of the plan) Then we had a leisurly morning making pumpkin pancakes, sausage and eggs over medium. We had Orange Juice. Sadly with early morning Saturday football games and early morning church and early morning school -- a leisurly pancake breakfast had not been seen in this house in too long. Then we went to the home of a lovely widow in our ward who happens to have the most beautiful apple orchard you have ever seen. And we picked apples. And it was a perfect day. And I'm glad they missed that one day of school. And here are the pictures. Let me apologize in advance for the plethora of pictures but we had so much fun that it was hard to edit -- so I didn't.

The beginning of the day

The middle of the day

Where's Sophie? I'm holding her, of course!

The end of the day.


The Cakes said...

Looks like so much fun. I really must get some kids of own. Those pictures make me want to snatch them from their beds at night and keep them all to myself. I miss them so much.

Book Look Column Author said...

come to Anne's shower if you can - the invite is on the way but hopefully your mom told you about it.
Apple memories...ah chew (yes I know I spelled like this on purpose)don't you love words?